
Thursday, December 16, 2010

My New Years Resolutions | 2011

It is only the end of November 2010, but I want to go ahead and get started on my New Years Resolutions for 2011.

I wanted to get a jump on it because I just read a post by a fellow Gatherer, Matthew A., found here, and it really made me think. I mean those deep thoughts which I hardly get anymore! Seriously! I live in a material world, as most of us do. And we should just slow down sometimes and truly think.

I do alot of silly things. And I take alot of things for granted. I just really need to change my ways about some things. And hopefully, if I post those ideas down in my New Years Resolutions for 2011, I will be constantly reminded to stay on track.

I don't have alot of resolutions to list right away. But hopefully, I will be paying alot more attention to what life is all about within the next month and my resolution list will grow. Which, I intend on updating as they roll into my sometimes, pea sized brain.

My New Years Resolutions 2011

  1. Stop Complaining about the little things: I really need to stop complaining so much about the little things in life. I know my home could use this or that to make it a little nicer. But all in all, it's my home. It is a roof over my head. It is paid for and I should be happy. Of course our neighbors may have fancier outdoor lighting, nicer lawn furniture, I could go on and on. But in the end, I am very thankful to have a home! And I should realize this more often.

What is something that you constantly take for granted?


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