
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gurning Granny | Champion Crowned

At the Egremont Crab Fair, in Cumbria, Anne Woods, age 62, won first place and a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records for gurning.

For those of you, like myself that didn't know, the Wikipedia Encyclopedia states that gurning is a distorted facial expression.

And within the contest, Anne Woods was holding her face in the same distorted position for four minutes for the judges to make their decision. She reportedly passed out moments later, and was found lying on the floor by Tommy Mattinson, a fellow champion gurner. She spent the night in Whitehaven's West Cumberland Hospital and was later released.

She had previously won the competition 26 times but had yet to make it into the Guinnes Book of World Records. Now that she has done that, it is unknown if she will compete again in the future.


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