
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gather Challeng Fun |Want to Join?

After reading Marshas post on the Gather Challenge found here, that she was doing in which Karen M's has suggested. You can find her article here.

Basically, each day Karen M. suggests that we find three articles by digging through Gather posts and posting them in a post of your own. So that they get put out there again to read.

Deadline is January 25 for her challenge.

Here are Karen M's guidlines, as stated in her post, to help you owith the Gather Challenge:

1.) Find (3) different posts, photos, or videos from (3) different people and place their links in your post titled GATHER CHALLEGE FUN!!

2.) Tell what made you pick these and encourage others to go and visit the links you provide.

3.) Tag your article(s) with gatherchallengefun, so that I can easily find them.

4.) Each article you tag and complete counts as an entry into the it helps you and those that you highlight....So, let's get searching for some long lost GATHER TREASURES!!!


And here is my Gather Challenge finds below:

-Motorcycle Accident (chose because i love motorcycles and my husband has one)

-Rooms with Antiques (chose because I love antiques and going to antique stores)

-Prince Albert in a Can (chose because i bought a few of these at a yardsale for a dollar each one day!) lol


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