
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Conserve Energy....Fart in a Jar!

Omgosh is probably what you will say after reading this. But my family seems to have that effect on most people. It's like the more you get to know us, the more you probably wish you didn't. lol.

Anyways, I was at my dad's house over the weekend. He is newly wed and thus our extended family was in attendance also. I was going on about how I really want to stick to my New Years Resolutions for 2010. And most people were listening. "I was doing good," I thought as I kept on talking, trying to keep conversation flowing. Everyone is still new to each other, and at times it tends to get eerily quiet (spell check, sis!)

Well, still rambling on, with most eyes focused on me, I began to tell a couple of my resolutions. I was telling of how I want to save money, recycle, remodel a few rooms, lose some weight and to conserve energy. Well, right out of the blue, my dad pops up, very loud, "If I wanted to conserve energy, I would just fart in a jar!"

Omgosh! Right? Right in front of his new wifey!

That's what I thought. He has always been one to speak his mind but....please. We are in the company of the new. They don't know how to take us yet. lol. And to finish up my rambling...lets just say I left it at that. Stopped telling my resolutions and kinda went on playing with my nephew and neice. My dad will and has always been a very funny man to be around. Our days are never dull with him around.


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