Chickenpox flavored lollipops? That's not a typo, although I wish I could say it was. I just received my new (free thanks to
MyCokeRewards) monthly addition of Redbook in the mail today. I flipped through the pages until the sight of a big twirly, colorful lollipop caught my eye. The sucker looked great although the article didn't.
The title of the article was "
3 Wacky Health Trends to Skip." And it is very fitting. Within the article it said that some parents were buying some nasty, pre-licked suckers for their kids. Pre-licked, that is, by other children who are infected with the chickenpox. That way, in the parents minds, they will give the their own children the virus now instead of later.Why? Because it's suppose to be more
dangerous to contract the chickenpox at later stages in one's adult life. If so, in adults, when chickenpox are not fully eliminated from the body it can lead to the more serious illness,
shingles. Which can also happen years later in life, after an adult has had the chickenpox.
Thankfully, at the bottom of the article, I was relieved to see that Laurence Givner, M.D., a pediatric infectious disease specialist, was advising parents not to contribute to this sharing of lollipops. And that it was actually illegal and not safe. Duh! does a parent really need to be told not to let their kids lick a lollipop that a sick kid already had? The specialist went on to say that the licked lollipop could also spread other viruses also, that the parent may not want their kid to get.
I just feel like saying, "hello world, do we really need to be told by specialist that this is not a safe thing? OMG! Use your brains parents. Geesh!"