McDonald's is famous for it's fast food with not such great health benefits. And I'm sure we have all heard the rumors that the food they serve is not 100%, well, food. Remember the pink slime incident that they admitted to adding to burgers for seven straight years? And most recently with Russia suing McDonald's over finding poor food qualities, McDonald's is now under the gun to prove otherwise.

So McDonald's has launched a new campaign called, "Our food. Your questions." They hope it will help prove they they do in fact serve real food. And after many years of being asked, they have finally opened up their doors to allow a camera crew from Good Morning America in. Of course they have had time to prep and remember, they have already stopped adding the pink slime. So I wander what else they have recently hid?
But stop and think for a minute. If they really need to be trying to prove this, why the heck are we all still eating there? Whether or not they serve real food should not even be a question they should have to try and answer!

Do you think the new "Our Food. Your Questions." Campaign will help McDonald's plundering sales?

Article by &jelliedkey
|| +News || +Food || +RussiaSuesMcDonalds || +McDonalds || +FoodSafety || +OurFoodYourQuestions || +Campaigns || +Pinkslime || +Jelliedkey ||