Wow, Stephen Collins, better known to the public as the father and pastor on 7th Heaven has admitted to sexually abusing young girls.

Isn't that kind of ironic? For eleven seasons on 7th Heaven he was a fun loving, value setting pastor and father of 7.

This just blows my mind. I wander if these two counts that he has admitted to that happened in 2012, are the only incidents? I think not. I pretty much believe that once a person chooses a certain thing like this in life and doesn't get caught soon, they will continue until they do.

I hope none of the young girls that were on the show during it's air time were molested by him. Because apparently he has an eye for very young children. Since the first time he done this, going by what he told a therapist, was with a young child, age of 11, that was a relative of his ex-wife. Isn't that just sick?

I really hope that he will be brought to justice on these two cases he has already admitted two. Because it's sad to realize that he has already gotten off on another past charge because the statue of limitations ran out.

I will never watch another re-run of that show again. Only because I would not be able to stomach watching him play the perfect roll model, pastor and father.
Article by &jelliedkey Photo by Pixabay

+7thheaven +Sad +TVshows +StephenCollins +Abuse +Childabuse