
Friday, March 29, 2013

SNES Super Nintedo Collector Games

My SNES system

I am an avid collector of vintage SNES (Super NES) games. I liked the original NES games also, but growing up, I remember having one of the 49.10 million SNES gaming consoles. And my two older brothers had one of the 61.91 million NES systems sold worldwide.

So I guess it's just the memories mostly that make me love the SNES games today. And I'm glad I grew up playing SNES. Even though it wasn't Nintendo's first console to take the world of gameing on. However, it was the first ever three dimensional gaming system in history. In fact, the game Star Fox was the first playable game released in 3-d.

Some of my NES, SNES and Nintendo 64 Games

Now that I have hit the big 3-0, I am on a quest of my own. And that is to build the entire collection of SNES games that were sold at retail in the United States, Canada and Mexico. There were many more games put out in different countries, but I'm not really interested in them.  

How many games were put out in the United States, Canada and Mexico you may ask? I think the total is somewhere between 721 and 845. But just finding that out has been time consuming and frustrating. I've looked at many sources online including Wikipedia which gives the SNES games list and Google and can't get the exact number. Each search leads me to different totals.

Above is some of my games. The console on the left is the Nintendo 64 and the Super Nintendo is on the right.

So by some chance, I'm hoping someone may stumble over my little old post here and have the answer for me. But till then I'm just gonna keep looking at yard sales, searching online, and attending countless auctions to try and find them all.

It's aggravating but fun all at the same time. It's kinda the thrill of the hunt for me. And the memories of waking up on Saturday morning, with my best friend Melissa, playing the Super Mario World with Yoshi & Super Mario All Stars games is the kind of thing that keeps me looking.

What was your favorite video game to play growing up?

Fun Facts:

  • Donkey Kong Country Competition Cartridge is valued between $250 - $728 via Racketboy
  •  Chrono Trigger value is between $47 and $1217 


Here's the link to Wikipedias SNES games list in .pdf format.

VideoGames price charting



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