
Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Yesterday I did a little bit of shopping with my Aunt. She's a smart lady. I've always looked up to her. One thing she's always told me throughout the years is to eat this and eat that. And she'd have her reasons.
Most of which, revolved around the fact that I am deadly allergic to beef and pork. And mildly allergic to milks, cheese ect. But since I never eat red meat, she's always worried I wasn't getting the protein and nutrients my body needs. I do tend to stay a bit weak and on the sicklier side about 7 or 8 months out of the year. Even with the weekly steroid shots, B-12 shots and allergy shots, my body just don't get enough of something or other. So I'm always looking for natural ways to get energy.

And this takes me back to my shopping trip yesterday. We were in a Marshall's store, (which I hate btw,) and while she was looking around, I wandered off into the books section. I LOVE cookbooks. However, my find of the day wasn't just a new cookbook, it was a book titled, "100 Best Health Foods."
I flipped through it casually and now I can't put it down. So I thought I'd share a post now and then about a food in it and why it is so good for us.
Today, I will go with sharing the goods about apples. We've all heard an apple a day will keep the doctor away right? Well, I think they are correct.
This book says that apples are
  • high in flavonoids which give us healthier hearts and lungs
  • low on calories and keep hunger away, which keeps us slimmer in the long run
  • fiber is rich with pectin and helps improve blood lipids and help reduce the bad cholesterol
  • good source of potassium that helps prevent fluid retention
So you see, maybe they are correct when they say, "An apple A day, will keep the doctor away."


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