
Friday, January 21, 2011

I Called the Phone Company Today

"Hello, how may I help you?" Is what I heard after waiting on the line for 8 minutes for a human! Yep!

Anyways, I called them because I wanted to alter my "package" in order to save money. Being as we never use the long distance that is on our home phone, I thought, hum I could cancel that and save money.

Yea right! After talking and talking to an annoying sounding man, whom seemed to talk through his nose. I learned that if I drop the long distance, our bill will actually go up $6.00 because we will no longer have a "package deal."

Um. Say what?

So I told them to just nevermind and that I will leave it like it is and just be happy. But I did say how that makes no sense at all to have the "package deal" if in the long run it is not saving us any money. Because they are "packaging up" stuff in a bundle that we do not use or need!


And all I was doing was trying to cut a few dollars here and there off of our monthly bills. UGH!


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