
Friday, January 21, 2011

Facebook Fad | 2010 in Status

Are you curious as to what all you said in a status on Facebook in 2010? If so, then join your friends in the lattest Facebook Fad, My Year in Status!

My Year in Status is a kinda a crossover of fad meets application. It's definately a fad becasue many users doing it. But the "it" they are doing is really an application.

Anyways, My Year in Staus is basicaly a super cool application that creates an awesome looking collage of all statuses you wrote in 2010. It's like a status diary! And it is sweeping through Facebook like a storm.

Once you click on the application and it loads your info, it lets you choose from a variety of designs for your collage. It then posts your Year in Statuses as a photo, into an album for safe keeping. It is a really neat way to look back on the previous year and see what you were doing.

I was pleased at first with my results. But then I realized status diary was way shorter than everyone elses. Why? Well, back around August I tried to delete my account. I didn't use it much and was just tired of it. It was then I realized that Facebook just deactivates it and you can return at anytime by entering your email and password. And that is just what I did. I had withdraws sometime after Halloween and returned to Facebook. So my status updates must have gotten erased. Although it is weird that all my other info was still intact. I can still even see my "sent" messages from last year. I wrote to Facebook tech to see if I can get the rest of those lost status updates. I wander if they will ever respond?

Curious of what all my status diary had to say? Here it is:

Lisa "is thinking about visiting ole' farmville today. lol. been forever. but I'm affraid i'll get hooked lol"

"Girls, I think we should all have a birthday week instead of a birth"day"!"

Lisa "waiting on Greg cuz he's takin me to dinner tonight for my bday, a day early! :-)"

Lisa "~*Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes!*~"

Lisa "someone hacked my facebook! so if they sent out anything to anybody it was not me. (except to Cheryl, I did return the e-card today :-)"

Lisa "-*Merry Christmas everyone-*"

Lisa "*Happy New Year*"

Lisa "Greg is sleepin like a baby on the couch..... What should i do to him????? Lol"

There have been numerous Facebook fads in the past such as Doppelganger/Celebrity Look-a-Like, Which Cartoon Character are You?, Urban Dictionary Name, I Like _____ and 25 Random Things. Which one was your favorite?


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