
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ebay Loses Lawsuit | Victims Win Back Millions

I recently wrote an article titled: Ebay Sued for $30 Million for Overcharging Fees back around January 21, 2011. Well, alot of time has passed and I hadn't heard nor read anything else of the lawsuit.

I was interested because me, along with thousands others, were listed as "victims" in the lawsuit because Ebay had overchaged us in fees.

Well, today I go and check my mailbox and along with bills galore, I find an odd letter from Yingling V.Ebay, INC. and I immediately know what it is. Well, I thought it was just more paperwork or something I may have to sign, but to my suprise it was a letter about the details with an attached check from the settlement fund.

I was happy! Not because it's a large check, by no means, just because I know that eBay didn't get to pocket my money, along with thousands of others', this time!

Are you an eBay seller?


Anonymous said...

I hate EBAY,
I recently sold several high end Ladies scarfs on ebay,2 Hermes,3 Dior,and 2 Chanel.
One of the Chanel Scarfs ( the one i got the least for ($61.00) this ladie kept and wore the scarf for five days, then wanted her money back: because there was a " a little damage to one of the corners"
after 5 days she noticed it was damaged...RIGHT
so i called ebay and we looked at the photos and full description..the ebay rep. said there is no way i could lose, it is obvious that the scarf was not damaged.
I infomed the buyer what ebay said, the she wanted a "partial" refund I asked for pix from her. after 3 days I got pix that show OBVIOUS BURNS and Snags ..caused by a HOT IRON and no pressing cloth! oh yeah there was not any pix of the cornerwith the small damage. no pictures of the actual scarf at all.
I was shocked that she would try to pull this OBVIOUS FRAUD.
I spoke to Ebay on three diffrent days as this was going along..I advanced The '\"item not as described" case...and would you believe it ebay forced a refund from ME!
not bad enough, the scarf she returned to me was a fake, damaged to hell , burnt, snaged torn.
I immediatly contacted Ebay to report "Problem with return." related the issue and the denied my appeal and now I dont have the money, and I have the buyers FAKE,BURNED and Dirty scarf....THANK YOU EBAY oh yeah and I had to pay "FINAL VALUE FEE"

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