
Monday, October 29, 2012

Air Fresheners: Are You Spraying Kerosene?

Would you fill a bottle with kerosene and spray it around your home? You may just be doing that very thing! So please think twice before buying aerosol air freshener again. I am guilty also. From time to time I grab a bottle to give my home a fresh new smell. But never again will I.

This morning Yahoo put out an article about possible cancer causing products. Here is this tad bit of info below. (I copied a snippet of the page, but here's the link to the full page. If you click, please refer to page 6 of 9 for what I am talking about.

Let me quote it, in case you can't see the type: "Air fresheners are among the worst offenders, many contain either isopar which is a deodorized kerosene or paradichlorobenze, both of which are carcinogenic and toxic to the lungs, liver, and kidneys."

It is so saddening to think that over time companies have taken so many shortcuts just to make a buck. I am talking about using the cheapest ways possible to make their product, whatever the means. And using known chemicals which have been linked to cancer as an ingredient. It is simply sickening. But I'm sure you also read article after article about this very topic. So what I'm trying to get at is that we need to realize what we are using in our homes on a daily basis. Things like this really grab my attention. I am still amazed to learn that air fresheners are basically a deodorized kerosene. It's scary to think what else we use on a regular basis that is probably killing us....

Photo Source: Wikipedia Commons
Author: KRoock74


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