I will admit it. I have a very bad habit.

A habit that will grab at my last dollar to get just one more. One more that I do not need at all. In fact, I need more just as much as I need another hole in my head.

But when I am out and see them, I will have to buy just one more. That is what I always say. Maybe I just need one more!

Sometimes when I see them, I think maybe I don't have that exact one. And that is the reasoning I will use at that very moment to justify buying just one more.
I have them everywhere. I have tons of them. I have jars full and crocks full. I have enamel pans full. I have wooden baskets full.

What is it that I am addicted to buying and collecting? Wooden spoons.

Yep, old and new, painted and plain, wooden spoons.

Photo by &jelliedkey of some of my spoons +Woodenspoons +WoodSpoons +Utensils +Collections +Jelliedkey